Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Did Jesus say if you ask for anything you will recieve?

I first came across this argument in the "God is imaginary" videos. They basically brought up that Jesus said if you ask for anything you will receive it. So, they challenged everyone to pray to Jesus and ask Him appear to us. But is this true? Is this what the Biblical passage suggests?

First, I hope those videos were asking for Christians to do this. Because, would Jesus really appear like to that an Atheist? I don't think so. He definitely has better ways of revealing Himself to people. An Atheist really has no business asking something like that of God. There is a Biblical verse that says not to tempt God, or put Him to the test. This applies to Christians too. But lets take a look at what Jesus really meant. It is obvious that what He was saying is directed towards Christians.

"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you" - Matthew 7:7

Jesus was speaking to a specific audience on specific issues. It seems to me this has nothing to do with the power of prayer, but rather, it has to deal with salvation. Just what did Jesus have in mind when he brought up asking for things? Do you think a Christian should ask for a million dollars? Do you think God will just give it to you? God knows us all. And unless we use that money to do good, then God would not allow it I don't think. If it doesn't glorify Him, then He will not grant it. This is what Matthew 7:7 is trying to imply. As I said, God knows us. So would He give a million dollars to a greedy person? Someone who would spend it on him or herself? I don't think so. Jesus was talking about salvation. Ask, and it will be given to you. If you ask to be saved, it will happen. If you ask God to help you out, it will happen to you. And indeed all of this does. I've often heard stories of people, who were poor, prayed to God and they say they won the lottery. Now, all of this could be lies or a huge coincidence. However, God does indeed help people financially. God does answer prayers. God answers every prayer with a yes, no, or wait. So, the Atheist doesn't know if God answered the prayer or not. And if God said no, then He has every right to say no. He must have a good reason to say no. There are just some things you can't ask for. Asking for God not exist would not happen, even if you ask it in Jesus' name. You see, would a true born again Christian ask any of this? No. Jesus was obviously speaking to a specific audience. And Jesus does give to those who ask.

God bless.

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