Wednesday, April 15, 2009

God's omipotence

In this blog, I will be focusing on one of the Judeo-Christian God's omni attributes. His omnipotence.

Many have accused of God being not all powerful, and give examples on things that are impossible, so therefore, God cannot exist. But I think this argument fails to begin with because it assumes the Christian God can do everything. And if God can't do these things, then why does that mean He doesn't exist? I see no reason why to even assume that. But the fact is, the Christian God can't do everything. God cannot lie (Titus 1:2) meaning God cannot sin also. It's not that He chooses not to. It's just that He cannot do these things. He is so holy and so good, that He cannot be evil, lie or sin. God cannot make Himself not all powerful, no matter how powerful He is. Because by definition, He is all powerful! So He cannot become not all powerful. God cannot create a rock too powerful for Him because, again, by definition He is all powerful.

But, then why does the Bible say anything is possible through God? What does the Bible mean when it says that? It doesn't take a genius to say, it means anything is possible through God. And I don't deny that. But the Greek word used to describe God's omnipotence is "Adunateo" which means " not to have strength, power or ability to be weak". This is all the verses that say anything is possible though God is suggesting. God can do anything within His own power and nature. He can do anything that His logical nature will allow Him to do. Now of course people will jump all over this and say "being all powerful means you can't have limits!" and I agree. But I think God is all powerful in a different sense. God cannot violate logic. Sense God is a God of logic, He cannot go against who He is.

And no, I do not believe God is bound by something or limited. Logic is not something that God "created" and it is not something that can be violated. It just is. Logic is only a reflection of a mind. That mind if God. So He is not bound by something He created. The question is though, can God create a square circle? The answer is no, because it simply is not logically possible no matter how powerful you are. So when the Bible says anything is possible through God, I think it is implying that anything is possible through God, that is logical. Because something illogical is impossible and we can't even begin to think of how it would work. Again, logic is something that cannot be violated. But to basically sum it all up. The Christian God can't do everything. He cannot do illogical things. He can however, do anything logical.

Conclusion: God can do anything that is logically possible. And because of this, He has unlimited power. You cannot do something illogical, because it simply doesn't exist. Since God is a God of logic, He can only do that which His powers will allow Him to do. That being the true definition of omnipotence.

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