Thursday, June 4, 2009

An even more complex designer?

One of Richard Dawkins arguments in his best seller "The God Delusion", is the classic "if God created everything, then who created God?" or "If God is the designer, then who designed the designer?"

Now, I have already answered the question "who created God?" in one of my previous blogs. So I am not going to focus on that issue in this blog. What I am going to focus on however, is something else Richard says in addition to this argument.

He pretty much says, that it is absurd to believe that a being, which is more complex than the universe He created, doesn't have to be created. Because usually, Theist's will argue that complexity can be best explained by a creator or designer.

But I think this makes a couple of mistakes. Again, not trying to get into the whole "Who created God?" thing, but we don't need an explanation for the explanation. And I think this argue fails on another point because it assumes that God is even more complex than the universe He created.

I want to know where this idea came from. Who said God is more complex than the universe? In order to reason with this argument, we must define what God actually is. God can simply be defined as a spirit. One characteristic of a spirit, is omnipresence. God is not made up of parts at all. He can simply be an omnipresent spirit of mind, which is not made up of parts. So actually, He doesn't need to be more complex than His creation. God can actually be quite simple.

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