Thursday, June 4, 2009

The fool hath said in his heart, "there is no God!"

In this blog, I will be talking about a claim an Atheist might make in his lifetime. Now, I'm not trying to put words in Atheists mouth's, because I realize not all Atheists make this claim.

I want to ask those who say this. How do you know? On what basis do you make such an assertion on? To claim there is no god, is claiming you know something, that you do not know. It's simply a statement of faith. I don't see how you could make such a statement without invoking faith. It takes just as much faith to say "there is no god" as to say "there is a god".

I want to ask some other questions. Atheist, do you know everything? The answer is no. Do you know half of everything? Again, the answer is more than likely to be no. But lets say you do know half of everything. Could it be that God exists in that other half that you do not know? Could God be a reality there?

Claiming there is no god, is claiming something with assurance. Can someone be so sure that God doesn't exist? Again, I want to ask. How is that even possible? You would have to have universal knowledge to know if God doesn't exist. But in order to have universe knowledge like that, you would have to be omniscient. Which is a characteristic of God. So in other words, you would be God! Thus making Atheism a false position.

Conclusion: If you are an Atheist who says there is no god, you are religious. It's a statement of faith and personal opinion. There is no way someone can know that God doesn't exist, so why even say "there is no god"?


  1. You are spot on about the foolishness of atheism. A very comprehensive article on atheism can also be found at:
