Wednesday, March 4, 2009


This blog is going to be dedicated to the ultimate philosophical question: Why? But specifically, I will be talking about the philosophy behind God and why things are the way they are.

First, I just want to say I am not putting God in some type of box. I do not understand God or how He thinks. I am however, basing what I say upon logic and the Bible.

Alright, lets talk a little bit about the fall of man. In one of my previous blogs, I discuss free will and the fall of man. I told why there was a tree, temptation, etc. But I want to get more deeper than that. I will not be focusing on the fall itself, but the results of it and why things are the way they are in the world.

Just how come God chose this path? How come He just couldn't start from new and create the world over again? Well, I believe He did due to free will. He will not violate our free will. He will not violate the path man has chosen, that being to be separated from God. If He were to just recreate the world, well, then what is the point in that? Wouldn't man just sin again if God gave free will again? The chances of that happening are very high. God being all knowing, knows that this path that we are going down, is the best path to go. Instead of making everything new, God chooses to rebuild it back up slowly. In this process, He is able to show and reveal Himself, in a beautiful and mysterious way to humanity. He allows these things for many reasons, I am sure.

I also went over this briefly in my "The problem of evil" blog. The Bible says God is good. God will allow evil, to bring out good. Think about. How can we tell the difference between good and evil if we haven't been exposed to any of them? God may allow evil to show that He is good and that He is to be worshiped as God, just like the Bible says. All of this may be His method on reveal His good nature to humanity. But the Bible also says God is also love. God does indeed show His love in the process. He became a man to die for the sins of humanity! But, if none of this happened in the first place (the fall) then He couldn't of demonstrated it like He did! It all ties in together. But ultimately, He will not violate our free will and He chooses to rebuild everything slowly, in a process that will ultimately show His goodness and love. It will ultimately, glorify Him.


  1. let us, if you will discuss the fall of man. a rigged game if ever there was one..g*d, in his mercy creates the garden with complete foreknowledge of adams failing, knowing that he will fail and doom humanity to pain and the terror of death. knowing this, he with malice aforethought, creates the garden, and the trees and man. when man fails as designed, g*d feigns anger and sics the angel with the flaming sword on him, and then the fallen angels are unleashed on his progeny and hell is lovingly crafted by the merciful hands of g*d, for the souls of pagan infants, and those who will not look at this blood spattered nightmare and call it good.

    consider job. consider the puppetry of the ressurection, the necessary damnation of judas. if g*d is omnipotent, he creates and is responsible for evil. if he is not omnipotent, he is not g*d

  2. "a rigged game if ever there was one..g*d" - you

    Are you so sure it was a rigged game? You will need to show why it was.

    "in his mercy creates the garden with complete foreknowledge of adams failing, knowing that he will fail and doom humanity to pain and the terror of death." - you

    So what if He knew it would happen? That is the whole purpose of free will, isn't it? Not to violate it. So, if humanity chose this path, do you think God should step in?

    "if g*d is omnipotent, he creates and is responsible for evil. if he is not omnipotent, he is not g*d" - you

    God is not responsible for evil. Man is. God created everything good, as the Bible says. And what does being omnipotent have anything to do with it? We can get into the problem of evil debate, if you would like.
