Monday, June 8, 2009

Water Baptism

In this blog, I will be talking about water baptism is, if we need it and if so, then why do we need it? I will also be answering if it necessary for salvation.

Let’s start off by defining what Baptism is. The origin of the word "baptism" comes from the Greek word "Baptizo" which means to dip repeatedly, to immerse, or to submerge. Baptism is a very much symbolic thing. It is symbolic of what Christ came and did.

Romans 6:3-4 says, "Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life."

To basically sum all of this up. When we get into the water, we are dying with Christ. When we are dipped into the water, we are buried with Christ and when we are brought out of the water, we are raised with Christ. This is what Romans 6:3-4 teaches.

Baptism not only shows God, but it shows the people around you that you are obedient to Jesus Christ.

Now, one might ask now, should we be fully dunked in water or should we be sprinkled with water? I don’t think it really matters. It’s just the ritual in itself of baptism which is important. But by reading the definition of Baptism above, you will see that it indicates that you need to be fully dunked in water. This is the meaning of the word "baptism".

So, should we be baptized? Of course! I don’t know of one Christian who doesn’t think Baptism is a good thing. I mean after all, our Lord and savior Himself was baptized. And He encouraged His followers to be baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Bible says in Matthew 28:19, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,"

This spread like wild fire after Jesus died. The apostles and other believers were going around preaching and baptizing a lot of people in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

So to sum all of this up so far. Yes, it is good to be baptized and I encourage all believers to be baptized. This is a very Christian practice.

But is baptism necessary for salvation? I’m going to come straight forward with you all. I don’t think it is, and I’m going to show you why I think this.

We are justified by faith (Romans 3:28 and Romans 5:1) and not by dunking ourselves in water. You see, when you teach that in order to be saved you need to dunk yourself in water, we get a works righteous gospel. We are trying to please God, so that He will save us, by getting wet pretty much.

Baptism is kind of like the Jewish practice of circumcision. Abraham was justified by faith before He was circumcised (Romans 4:12)

When the Bible says to repent, and be baptized, it is only encouraging you to show your obedience towards God to to show that around others. But first, we must repent, and be justified by faith before we do so. The Bible doesn’t say that to actually become saved, you need to be baptized.

God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Creativity is a Religious Creed
    • Dedicated to the Survival, Expansion and Advancement of the White Race.
    • Based on the Laws of Nature, on the Experience of History, on Logic and Common Sense.
    • Our Four Dimensional Program: A Sound Mind in a Sound Body in a Sound Society in a Sound Environment.
    • Our Goal: Building a Whiter and Brighter World.

    After six thousand years of recorded history, our people finally have a religion of, for, and by them. CREATIVITY is that religion. It is established for the Survival, Expansion, and Advancement of our White Race exclusively. Indeed, we believe that what is good for the White Race is the highest virtue, and what is bad for the White Race is the ultimate sin.

    We have come to hold these views by observing the Eternal Laws of Nature, by studying History, and by using the Logic and Common Sense everyone is born with: the highest Law of Nature is the survival of one's own kind; history has shown us that the White Race is responsible for all that which we call progress on this earth; and that it is therefore logical and sensible to place supreme importance upon Race and to reject all ideas which fail to do so.

    Our people have faced threats throughout history, but never before have our people faced as grave a threat as it is facing today. Today, our people's very continued biological existence on this planet is in doubt. In 1920, for example, one out of every three people on this planet were White. Today, only one out of twelve are White. If present trends continue, one can only imagine what the complexion of the world will be like in another one hundred years.

    How did this calamity come about? It came about because of our people's skewed thinking. Our people have thus far been concerned with every issue besides the issue of their own survival. We have subsidized those not of our own kind at our expense, causing their numbers to soar, while at the same time, White people have scaled back the size of their families, either out of selfishness or because of low-paying salaries and exorbitant taxes. We have divided ourselves into all kinds of organizations and causes, none of whom address the most basic issue: Will White children have a future? With CREATIVITY, this is the issue, and all other issues revolve around it.

    Our people everywhere are beginning to embrace the dynamic and inspiring creed and program of CREATIVITY. White people everywhere are beginning to put aside their past differences and divisions and are coming together as one people for their best interests. More and more of our people are beginning to realize that if White people do not look out for their own future, no other people will. As a result, our churches are sprouting up all over the world, our ministers preaching the word of White unity and our members zealously spreading the word to you, our fellow White people. We hope that after reading this pamphlet, you will decide to obtain more information, will consequently decide to become a member of our church, The Church of Creativity, and will decide to join us in this historic struggle.

    The Daily Affirmation of the Faith of the Creators
    I. WE BELIEVE that our Race is our Religion.
    II. WE BELIEVE that the White Race is Nature's Finest.
    III. WE BELIEVE that racial loyalty is the greatest of all honours, and racial treason is the worst of all crimes.
    IV. WE BELIEVE that what is good for the White Race is the highest virtue, and what is bad for the White Race is the ultimate sin.
    V. WE BELIEVE that the one and only, true revolutionary White Racial Religion - Creativity - is the only salvation for the White Race.
    To the fulfillment of these religious beliefs,we Creators forever pledge
    our Lives, our Sacred Honour, and our Religious Zeal.

