Friday, February 6, 2009

Are religious people smarter?

Many atheists like Richard Dawkins say that in order to be a intelligent, rational scientific human being, you need to eliminate all possibilities of god. This is simply not true and a ridiculous claim. Lets look at history. Some of the most intelligent minds, who revolutionized science and this world were theists. No way in order to be an intelligent person you need to be an atheist. It just comes down to this.... world views. In what way does having a belief in God or a god block your way of expanding your knowledge? If anything, I believe it will only answer more questions and expand your knowledge! Francis S. Collins is a leading scientist of the human genome research, and he is a devote Christian. John Lennox is a great mathematician, a scientist and a devote Christian. It is perfectly okay to be a religious person and be a scientist! Where in the Bible does it say that science is wrong? They can only go together. I mean really, how does the Bible stop you from gaining knowledge? I believe in Bible has a lot of science in it in fact.

I want to know were, in the scientific method does it say you should not believe in god. However, the scientific method is suppose to be open to any possibility, even if god does not exist. It is okay to be skeptical, but you will soon find yourself realizing that science only glorifies God. After all, he is the one who made it all possible. He is outside of science, so there is no way science can disprove god. It can only prove his existence. Famous atheist Antony Flew has recently converted to Deism because he said there is scientific evidence of a god. Einstein was a deist. No he was not "religious" but he believed in a god. Certainly Richard is not going to make such a fatal claim.

Why is the majority of the world not like scientists? Could it be the reason why the majority of the population of this world believe in some type of god is because they are gullible? Or could it be the atheists are the gullible ones? As I said, it is okay to be a scientist and believe in God. The reason why the majority of the people in the world are not extremely intelligent is not because they are Christians or believe in the Bible. It is because they just are! The Bible does not damage your brain.

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