Friday, February 6, 2009

Drugs and alcohol

In this blog, I will be talking about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. So I guess by starting, I will say that God has kept me away from them and I feel that I am called to talk on the subject. My father has always been an alcoholic, he it was the reason why him and my mothers relationship ended. My mother has never been an alcoholic, in fact she couldn't stand it because of my father being one. But after the divorce, depression took a hold of her and next thing you know it she started experimenting with it herself. I am convinced, not only by common sense but because God has shown me, that drugs and alcohol is bad. I believe there is a serious demonic influence on it. The people who are delivered from it and stay away from it are the ones who called upon God for help. This addictions could lead to other bad habits or make you do things you would normally not do.


It is quiet obvious that drugs are bad. We can observe this in other people we may know. I'm not going to go in great detail but I do want to talk about one specific drug that many Christians ask or wonder about. This of course I am speaking about marijuana. Some say that it is not a drug because it is a plant. God did indeed say to Adam that he gives us every plant and herb. But did you know marijuana can be used as medication? The Bible does not say that you should smoke it just to get high. I think that is whole purpose on why the majority of people do it today. Just the whole purpose of wanting to get high and enjoy it is the sin I believe. This act involves pleasing yourself. Do so also might lead you to do something else that is sinful. But as I said, it is an addiction and no addiction is good unless it involves God. Addictions control people. Are you prepared to say that a plant is stronger than you and has more authority over you then yourself? This is the reason why I believe people should not smoke marijuana


As I said above, I believe alcohol has a strong demonic influence, so I am not really going to speak too much on this subject. But this addiction is the same as a drug addiction. If it controls you then you know that it has to be demonic because they want to control us. Are you prepared to say that alcohol is stronger than you?

God bless.

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