Friday, February 6, 2009

Hello and welcome

Hello and welcome to my new Christian blog! This blog will be dedicated to Christian apologetics and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. I will begin posting my blogs up on here and I am currently in the process of purchasing a camera. So when I do, I will be posting them on this site.

So, why do we need Christian apologetics? Well, Christianity is being under attack and it has been ever since the beginning. But it is even more under attack in the age of reason and science. Christians need to know what they believe and why they believe it. They need to get equiped with all the right sources and materials to defend there position.

After all, the Greek word where the word "apologetics" comes from is "Apologia" which means to give a defense to a belief or a position.

I think the Bible encourages apologetics. Isaiah 1:18 says "come and let us reason together". Now, in this verse, God is speaking. But this verse shows that even God is for reason. Also, 1 Peter 3:15 says to be prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope we have.

So in conclusion, apologetics are good and useful, and I encourage all Christians to get into them and defend the Christian faith!

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