Friday, February 6, 2009

The resurrection of Jesus Christ

The majority of scholars who study the New Testament or Christology all agree that Jesus was indeed a real historical man. That is not the debate.The real debate is if Jesus really did rise from the dead or not, as the Bible claims. In this blog, I will be showing you why the resurrection of Jesus Christ is unique.

You will find it surprising that Jesus' resurrection actually is rooted in history and facts. I can't say I know of any documents that state this other than the Bible, but we still can assume and come to reasonable conclusions that what the Bible says actually is true. Keep in mind, the New Testament is many documents all testifying to the same thing. Within these documents, it contains interesting things, such as embarrassments, conversions, etc.

Was this all made up though? We must ask ourselves, why would this be made up? Power? Nobody was gaining any type of power over anyone. It didn't benefit anyone. The disciples and early church were all killed for there beliefs. Would they be willing to die for a lie? Something that they knew was made up or a lie? I don't think so. As I already said, the gospels contain embarrassing stories in them. Such as some of the disciples denial of Jesus. Would they put this in there made up story on purpose? And if they were trying to sell this new religion, would they say women discovered the tomb empty? In first century Palestine, women's testimonies were not listened to and already ruled out. But why does the Bible say women discovered the tomb? Wouldn't that hurt there case if they were trying to get converts? Let me answer some objections that many have proposed for the resurrection of Jesus.

Claim: The body was stolen.

Response: Nobody had the time or chance to steal Jesus' body. Keep in mind, there were guards guarding the tomb at the time.And this still doesn't answer why people claimed to see the risen Jesus. You know, the Jews didn't deny that Jesus' tomb was empty, but they too suggested the body was stolen.

Claim: The women went to the wrong tomb.

Response: After they discovered the tomb, they went back and told people. The disciples went to the tomb and they too said it was empty. Did they go to the wrong tomb again? What are the chances of them going to the same wrong tomb as the women did?

Claim: Jesus only appeared to die.

Response: I think we can all agree that this seems unlikely. If Jesus really did die by crucifixion, then of course there is no way of Him surviving.

Christ's resurrection is what started Christianity. We already know that this new faith was not "made up" to control people. They were gaining nothing and it did not benefit them. 500 people converted right then and there when they saw the risen Jesus and they all were willing to die for it. Would they die for a lie?


  1. I don't agree with your premise "Christ's resurrection is what started Christianity."

    Nay, this seems to be a topic of Christianity that later became obsessed upon down the ages. Jesus' example of good will toward strangers is what sparked his movement.

  2. To a certain point I agree with you. The reason why I said that was because 500 people converted right there when they saw Him. This started the early church. This is how they got there followers.
