Friday, February 6, 2009

Tough questions

For the past couple of days now I have been talking to atheists which bring up good, fair and tough philosophical questions. In this blog, I am going to attempt to answer a few of these questions from a Biblical point of view. But I can only go that far. For I do not know the will of God.

Question: If God knew Adam and Eve were going to sin beforehand, then why did He go through with it?

Response: Why should He stop them? God gave humans Free Will. He wanted creatures that could choose good or evil. It's not God's fault sin and death entered into the world. It's man's. Because God gave us Free will, he did not want to change Adam and Eve's choice. The sinful world that became after humanity had fallen, is the world we deserve.

Question: So was it a setup?

Response: God put the tree in the garden on purpose, yes. But it was to give Adam and Eve an option, because they had free will.

The Bible says God wants to be known. The Bible describes God as love too. He could of went through this process just so He could reveal himself to people and so that He can be known and so that He could save a fallen humanity. Keep in mind, it is not God's fault that humanity has fallen. It is man's. The truth is that we are all sinners and need a savior. Skeptics often make a mistake by saying that God died for Himself to save people from Himself. We do not understand the things and will of God. He became a man to die for the sins that MAN caused.

Question: Why does God punish for something that He could of stopped?

Response: He could of stopped, yes. But the question of if He could of prevented it, or even why should He of is completely irrelevant at this point

But again, why should He stop it? It's man's fault. The Bible describes Him as a holy and righteous God. God has EVERY right to punish evil and sin, it His will and nature.

Question : Why would an omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent God want worship. Why does He care about life here on earth?

Response: It's truly an amazing belief. It is something that I cannot give a direct answer too for the simple reason of not knowing God's will and purpose for humanity. God wants to be know, as I said above. Obviously He created the earth and humans for a reason. Does He want us to understand good and evil? Does He want us to dedicate our lives to worship Him? I believe so. The reason why He wants worship is because He deserves it.

Question: Why does He want it though? Isn't that egoistic? Why is He jealous? Why does He get angry? Aren't these human tributes?

Response: He want's worship because He deserves it. Why would He even create this world and humanity if no worship was involved? Any God who would do such a thing is no true god.

It is important here to understand how the word jealous is used. How it used in Exodus 20:5 to describe God is different from how it is used to describe the sin of jealousy in Galatians 5:20. When we use the word jealous, we use it in the sense of being envious of someone who has something we don't have. When we look at this verse, we find that it is not that God is jealous or envious because someone has something He wants that He does not possess. Exodus 20:4-5 says, "You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God..." Notice that in this verse God is talking about being jealous if someone gives something that belongs to Him to another.

He's not egoistic either. He has nothing to prove to Himself. He doesn't even NEED worship to prove something to Himself. He only simply wants to be known and loved. He has every right to get angry at evil and sin because He is a holy and righteous God, as I said before.

Claim: This is why we can conclude that the God of the Bible was made up by humans because he has human traits.

Response: What if it was the other way around? What if when the Bible says that God made us in His image means something much more than a spiritual or even physical (even though God is a spirit) trait of Him? Humans are needy, when God is not. I don't see any problem of having these traits and still being an omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent god. God is God, what can I say? He has these traits for good reasons. After all, He Himself said "I am that I am"!

Question : Why doesn't God come down and show he exists?

Response: Why should He? What better way of telling someone you love them then sitting back and see how they respond? He wants those who have faith. We also have Free will. Those who choose not to believe don't deserve to see Him. God has nothing to prove to anyone. What would He do if He did show himself like that? Would we all be robots and have no choice but to worship Him? This raises so many more questions and problems. And He has came down, in the form of a historical man named Jesus. He also has a great book telling about Himself and Him existing, it's called the Bible! It counts as evidence whether it be true or not.

God bless.

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