Friday, February 6, 2009

A blog on Atheism and debunking some skeptical claims

I’m going to address a few skeptical claims in this blog and talk about Atheism.

Claim: Science buries God.

Response: Science does NOT bury God. If anything, it only glorifies God. Science is merely the study of God's handy work. He is the one who made the study of science possible to begin with! Science is the study of the natural world. God is supernatural. So, using the study of the natural world as an argument that God doesn't exist is fallacious. Did you know that most of the leading scientists in today’s world believe in a God or a creator? You know why they do? Because it is perfectly logical to believe in a creator! People like Antony Flew and Albert Einstein aren’t idiots, and yet they believe in a creator. In fact, one thing Albert Einstein said was "the move I study science the more I believe in God". Science and religion or the belief in a god are completely different.

Claim: Believing in God is the same as believing in the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the flying spaghetti monster.

Response: Did you guys know that every big fairy tale has a real origin? Santa Claus comes from a real person named St. Nicholas who used to ride into towns giving gifts to children? The god Christians worship was a real man who claimed to be god and proved it by rising from the dead. Plus, there is actually evidence AGAINST the existence of Santa Claus. None of this is a proble for Christianity. The belief in the Judeo-Christian God is a very historical belief that is most importantly, founded on truth. Anyone can make up anything, but is it founded on truth? Are there good reasons to believe that Sana Claus, pink unicorns or the flying spaghetti monster? Can anyone give a good argument for there existence? I most certainly think that the belief in the Judeo-Christian God has more weight.

Claim: God doesn’t exist.

Response: What basis do you support this claim on? Can you provide 100% evidence God does not exist? If not, then it takes FAITH in order to make such a claim. The burden of proof is on the one who makes the claim. Saying God does not exist, is a positive claim. It's a claim with assurance, as if the Atheist knows that God does not exist. Which is impossible. You would have to have universal knowledge to know if God doesn't exist. Which would be self refuting because you would have to be omniscience, thus, you would be God. Even if you only knew half of everything in the universe, God still could exist in that other half you don't know about.

Claim: If God created everything, then who created God?

Response: This question fails on a couple points. It assumes God needs to be created, when in fact, He does not. We also live in a universe full of causes. So a being outside of our universe, does not necessarily need a cause to exist. The best possible answer I can give is that, God is eternal.


I have seen many atheistic websites concerning this topic. The question is, where do people get there morality if not from God? I do not reject atheists having morals, but where do you draw the line? Atheists make up there own morals in which they think is right for them. But what if one atheist said it is okay to murder innocent people? I mean really, how exactly do we know right from wrong? How do atheists deal with the problem of evil? By admitting there is a good? It has to come from a god. If atheism is true, everything around us is just a result from chance, there is no ultimate purpose to life and then therefore we should do whatever we want. If God does not exist, objective moral values and duties do not exist. Objective moral values and duties do exist. So, therefore, God exists. Keep in mind that I am not saying that atheists can't live a moral life without God. My whole point here is how or even why lie a moral life without God.

Ways to attack atheism:

1. Atheism is an intellectual position. What reasons do you have for holding that position? Your reasons are based upon logic, and/or evidence or lack of it. So, is there any reason/evidence for you holding your position that you defend?

2. If you say that atheism needs no evidence or reason, then you are holding a position that has no evidence or rational basis? If so, then isn’t that simply faith?

3. If you say that atheism is supported by the lack of evidence for God, then it is only your opinion that there is no evidence. You cannot know all evidence for or against God, therefore you cannot say there is no evidence for God.

4. If you say that atheism needs no evidence to support it because it is a position about the lack of something, then do you have other positions you hold based upon lack of say, screaming blue ants? Do you hold the position that they do not exist or that you lack belief in them, too?

5. How do you account for the laws of logic in a universe without God? The Laws of logic are conceptual by nature and absolute. Being absolute they transcend space and time. They are not the properties of the physical universe (since they are conceptual) or of people (since people contradict each other, which would mean they weren’t absolute). So, how do you account for them?

Here are some good verses and quotes for atheists:

"The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God". - Psalm 53:1

"For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." - Romans 1:20

Conclusion: Atheism is no different than any other belief system. They, are a position with a view and an opinion. Atheist can even act very religious.

God bless.

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