Friday, February 6, 2009

The debunking of some more skeptical claims

In this blog, we will be looking at some more skeptical claims made by atheists and skeptics.

Claim: Can an all powerful god create a rock too heavy for him to lift?

Response: Can an invisible man been seen? If he could, he would not be invisible. Do you see how that logic works? The question itself is self refuting. If God is all powerful then by definition, nothing is too heavy for Him. So the question is actually a contradiction of terms and is really not a problem with God. But then the skeptic might say "Well, the God can't do everything". This statements fails because the skeptic assumes the Christian God can do everything. The Bible says God cannot lie, or sin. God cannot make Himself not all powerful. God cannot create a square circle. It's just impossible, it would violate logic and who He is. God is a god of logic, and doing these things would violate that.

Claim: Well then if God can not create a rock that he can not lift then he can't do everything.

Response: This is still not true, but can God do everything? God cannot lie (Hebrews 6:18), God cannot steal, God cannot do something that is illogical, like create a circular triangle.

Claim: The Bible was written by man and men make mistakes.

Response: If this is true, then what you are saying now, could be a mistake. You could be mistaken on saying that the Bible was written by men who make mistakes.

Claim: If God knew people would sin, then why did he create them?

Response: My not? God knew they were going to sin but he still wanted to love us and have fellowship with us. God saw the fall of man coming, he could of stepped in but he didn't. He gave man free will.

Claim: Jesus only appeared to have died on the cross.

Response: How can that be? The Bible and other historians talk about how he was wiped and beaten to the bone. Nobody could survive that, the whole point of crucifixion was to make sure they died and died well.

Claim: The disciples stole Jesus' body and faked his resurrection.

Response: Not only is it hard to think about why would someone want to do this, but did they even have the time or chance to steal the body? Wasn't there a guard guarding the tomb?

Claim: Christianity is only an American thing. If you were to go anywhere else in the world, you would worship a different god.

Response: Christianity started in Israel, and spread across the world. It's not an American thing, although a large percent of Americans are indeed Christians. And it's not about being brought up in a religion or not, truth is truth and anyone can accept it. Truth is spread by the spirit of god and this is why not only Americans accept Jesus.

Question: What about the people who have never heard about Jesus?

Response: There are a couple answers to this question. A Calvinist might argue that God didn't predestine all those people to salvation. God has revealed Himself in nature. Someone who has never heard about Jesus still has a chance to know God. God most certainly can reveal Himself to that curious person, if it is God's will. But aside from all of that, God said His salvation will be spread all over this earth, just like Isaiah 49 foretold. Jesus also said He would not return until His word was spread all over the earth.

Question: What about babies or people who have mental disabilities, do they go to hell?

Response: There are many possible answers to this question. The Bible says God calls people to repentance. We know babies are not called to this. So either they do not sin or they simply aren't called to repent. Now, this doesn't necessary mean they go to Hell then when they die. God chooses to save whoever and however He wants. An infant can be saved by God, even in the womb possibly. But I personally believe the Bible does teach some sort of age of accountability. Infants don't even know they are doing wrong. They have no knowledge of good and evil, as God said in Deuteronomy. Although I still believe they sin, I don't believe they are held accountable. Simply too young to understand. Matthew 19 gives clue that all infants are innocent and belong to the kingdom of God. All of this is the same case for mentally handicap people too.

Question: We know today light comes from the stars and our sun, so how could light exist before the sun and stars were created?

Response: God was the light before the sun and stars.

God bless.

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