Friday, February 6, 2009

Is there scientific boo boo's in the Bible?

In this blog, I will be answering so called scientific errors in the Bible. Many people believe that the Bible is just an old fairy tale and the authors who wrote it had no scientific insight. I would have to disagree strongly. I say that the Bible is very scientifically accurate. Although the Bible is not a science book, it does have science in it proving that it was inspired by the creator.

These are some things people bring up:

The Bat:

They say that the Bible calls a bat a bird. Is this true? Yes, the Bible does in Leviticus and Deuteronomy. But what exactly is a bat? Leviticus and Deuteronomy was written in Hebrew originally. In the Hebrew language, the word "bird" means "owner of a wing". So a bird, bat and dinosaurs counts as a bird in the Hebrew LANGUAGE.

The unicorn:

The Bible does mention a unicorn a lot. If you are a Young Earth creationist, you might suggest that the unicorn is a dinosaur. Even if this is true, there is still many other animals that would be considered a unicorn. People are actually ignorant of what a unicorn actually is. No, it is not a white pony with a magical horn, it is just a creature with a horn. Unicorn means "1 horn". So this creature could be a rhino, or anything with a horn.


I do believe giants use to live on Earth. There is evidence of this and the Bible clearly talks about them. We find bones, tools, drawings and carvings all over the place. There is even legends found around the world about giants. The Hindu's believe that there gods originally created giants that could pull trees out of the ground is how they are described. Ancient Greece believed in the "titans". Could these be fables? Or were there really giant men? There structures, forts and everything showing evidence that it was probably built by giants. Some even believe they found places were giants might of stayed. I think there is overwhelming evidence that giants existed.

Insects with 4 legs:

The Bible actually would be more a poetic phrase when saying "crawling on all fours". Or, the Bible doesn't even necessarily need to be talking about insects in particular. However, may I suggest that the back 2 legs of lets say, a grasshoppers, were never really considered legs?

Rabbits chew there cud:

This is something that was understood differently back in the days of Moses. Rabbits actually chew there feces.


Simply put. The measurements were different than today's.

These are just a few. I will be answering more.

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